

Service Request


Thank you once again for choosing Avi Homes! We are here to assist you with any inquiries you may have after moving in and help you maintain your home for years of enjoyment.


Before submitting below, please refer to your warranty provider for some helpful maintenance suggestions. NOTE: for closings after April 1st, 2022, please visit Maverick. If your home closed prior to April 1st, 2022, your warranty provider is ACES.

If unsure of the warranty provider- please contact your warranty coordinator.

Please supply your contact information and a detailed list of your service items. (Note: if you have more than ten service items, you can submit them on a separate form or list them in the comments section)


After completing the form, please enter the security code and then click on the Submit button. Please allow one business day for processing.


Contact Information

Appointment Preference

Please specify the preferred days of the week and time for your appointment.  Please note that we do not guarantee that we will be able to schedule an appointment on your preferred days and time.  We will contact you to confirm your actual appointment date and time, once it is set.
Days of the week you are available



It is required that you, or your representative, be present in the home while all service work is being performed.  Entry to the home must be provided during normal working hours between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. (Evening, weekends and Statutory Holidays- appointments are not available)

Please list your service items below.  You can also optionally attach a picture or file for each item.

Please enter the details for each item, to a maximum of 255 characters per entry.

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